
Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm back!~ First post~

Minna! I'm back!~

Ok~last post was for goodbye and this is for my back xD A little bit weird ne~...
So as I said in last post maybe I'll change my I change it! And I'm here again

I come back with full energy and wish to make this blog have many visitors! I'll do my best to make it!

First post~

It's Sunday. And as always we had School Kakumei live stage. Today it was also of their new single Arigato-Sekai no Doko ni Itemo. I like and song is really good.

But I was a little bit shocked...why? because of the start of live stage.
Yamada solo dance...

Ok~ At first it was ok! I was think "kakkoii" *o* and etc. but until part at 0:06-0:11.

It shocked me. It's not because I don't like it. Ok.I like it. But I was shocked because Yama-chan do that. My little cute Yama-chan...that's why I was shocked. I don't really very like sexy Yamada side...I prefer kawaii Yama-chan with bright smile which makes me happy. When he show sexy side I'm happy too but not that kind of feeling as I see kawaii side..

Other is Yamada on today Music Japan Arigato-Sekai no Doko ni Itemo

Don't think that I'm pervert and only notice that kind of things haha xD No!No!
It's just because I watch the same videos many times and as yamada is my ichiban I most take my eyes at him. This thing I don't really liked too...It's not so bad but..ahh~

That's all I wanted to post today!~
I'll try my best to post as soon as I can!~
Keep reading my blog and fallow ne!~
Thanks bye!

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