
Friday, October 15, 2010

Good bye! :)

Hi everybody..
As you see i not update this blogg long time... It because it's kinda boring to write posts and share that I found with all of you but don't get any comments..just some people click like button..but it's very rarely..
And i thought long time..about delete this blog or not..and now I'm decide that I will leave blog but not update it anymore...and maybe one day I delete it..

If you still want to fallow my post you can do it on my livejournal here

Maybe one day I will change my mind that's why i don't delete this blog now..but for now I think it's the last post..



  1. ah..I have the same feeling too..ppl seldom comment in blogs unless we write the post in LJ..
    but I think you shouldn't delete this blog as it might help others to get sources =)

  2. thanks~ ^^ yeah~but's is so boring then people don't write comments ne~and I'm again try to make this blog active ^^
